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Specialized Dust Control Solutions

Signature Collection

Dust Suppression

DuBois Chemicals offers specialized dust suppressants for coal, road, and sulphur applications. Our Signature Collection provides environmentally-friendly, high-performance solutions for effective dust control in various industrial settings.

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Signature Collection

Dust Suppression

Dust Suppression

Coal Dust Suppressants

Water-soluble, organic-based solutions designed for effective dust control in various coal-related applications, including stockpiles and conveyed materials. These environmentally friendly formulations offer excellent surface wetting, weather resistance, and long-lasting dust suppression properties, even under dry conditions and for hydrophobic materials, without leaving harmful residual by-products.

Road Dust Suppressants

Environmentally-friendly solutions for both road stability and dust control, featuring organic-based formulations with superior water retention and washout resistance. These high-performance products are designed to optimize roadway surface density, build strength, and reduce dust generation on various surfaces, including stockpiles and tailings, forming tough, abrasion-resistant surfaces that withstand high winds and wet weather conditions without requiring high fines content.

Sulphur Dust Suppressants

Highly effective, water-based formulations designed to provide superior immediate and long-term dust control on various sulphur forms and high fines content materials. These specialized suppressants offer excellent coverage and extended efficacy through surface tension modification, wettability enhancement, and charge neutralization, while remaining environmentally friendly and adaptable to various application methods including sprays and foam systems.

Superior Dust Control Solutions

Our specialized formulations offer unparalleled performance and environmental benefits. Don't let dust hold you back any longer.